"We could split the rest of this wine, if you like.” She was leaning in the door behind me. I hadn’t even heard her. Wine isn’t my favourite, but saying no to her was impossible. I poured the half bottle into two glasses and passed her one. She tipped her head in thanks, and then walked to the living room. I followed. Her hips swayed as though she was dancing.
“You’re a pretty one.”
I hadn’t expected her conversation to be mundane-- how could it be?-- but her bluntness shocked through my drunkenness.
“I... uh... thanks.”
She smiled. I smiled back, realising (or hoping) that she wasn’t serious.
She strode across and straddled me.
I’m no stranger to female attentions, but I’ve always been the aggressor. And up till now, I thought that I liked it that way. But having this beautiful, confident... powerful woman in my lap, her long braids of hair tickling my neck, her broad mouth smirking down at me was utterly unlike what I knew. Pulling a girl, snogging her and delicately probing her boundaries to get as much woman flesh around my always ready erection made me feel horny and strong, but this was making me feel tingly in a different way. I didn’t know what was going to happen next. And that made my blood pulse strong in my veins and sing
in my ears.
She pushed her fingers deep into my hair and massaged my scalp, as she kissed my face all over. She skipped my lips, despite my rolling my head to try and catch that wide, full lipped mouth with mine. I wanted to taste her. That desire was clear through my jumbled thoughts. Suddenly I realised that she had pulled off my clothes apart from my underwear. With her fingers still twined in my hair, she moved down to my neck. I didn’t even know that that was an erogenous area on me, but I started making rather embarrassing squealing noises at how good it felt. It very nearly tickled, but in an amazingly good way.
I forgot to mention that all the time she was doing what I’ve described, her hips were rolling so that her jeans clad crotch was rubbing all over my cock, through the thin fabric of my boxers. And together with her shifting her lips to my neck, I felt almost on the brink of orgasm. I started murmuring, o god suki stop i’m going to cum in my pants. She grinned at this and started grinding all the harder. I couldn’t believe what she was doing. All my requests for her to cease were ignored as she ground me to an almost painful orgasm. Once she had humiliated me she stood and inspected my dampened underwear.
“I think that we’d better get you out of those wet things,” she smirked again. I followed her meekly to her bedroom.
Her room was pretty stark. Just a single bed with a white duvet cover, a wardrobe, a bookcase mostly full of textbooks, and a desk with shelves of folders above it. I hadn’t immediately pegged her as the type to keep an immaculate room. I had imagined oriental throws, psychedelic posters and the commingled odours of sweat, pot and incense. My thwarted expectations put me on the left foot.
She yanked down my boxers, leaving me nude. I caught sight of myself in the full length mirror on the wardrobe and started. the long lean body of the high school hockey superstar, pubes choked with the cum that had been forced out of him, meekly letting this odd looking creature lead him around as she chose.
I lay face down as she directed me, feeling my sensitised cock against the cold cotton sheets. She leaned over and kissed my ear lobe.
“That was so hot.”
“I can’t believe you made me come in my pants. I don’t usually come off so soon."
“Don’t worry, i liked it. you weren't able to control yourself. I kind of get off on that.”
“So i can see.” And I could. Her pelvis was twitching and rolling seemingly beyond her control and her nipples stood out through her shirt. I reached out to stroke them and was rewarded by a hissed intake of breath.
“Keep going. continue. Show me how creative you can be.”
Really good an really organic. The flow was beautiful and very natural from him being a dominate to him being submissive.