
I’m writing smut as though I am in the first days of a better nation.

OK, so I know you came here for a wank, not to read some burd’s political bollocks. But if you want to know a little more about me and why I’m writing, read on.

Since my sexual naissance, I’ve been visually stimulated. I have gawped unsubtly at males (and later females) for over twenty years (and I’m in my mid twenties). My red faced sweaty joy at the male nude flies in the face of a common fallacy that females care little for a male’s exterior. I know I’m not alone. But very little of the porn that is produced or written seems to be aimed at me. Written erotica seems to assume that I require a male to have a certain income or job or ethnicity to get me off. And the majority of pornographic video is just fecking ridiculous. Since there is so little stimulating media designed for left wing feminazis like me, I’m just going to have to dust off and make it myself.

Porn is always in the vanguard of media evolution. Cheap cameras and fast internet connections mean that anyone can be a porn star in the time it takes to make a cup of tea. DIY porn differs substantially from professional porn, but an appealing aspect is that it forms part of a real person’s sexual expression. It’s not shot to show genitals interfacing at the most photogenic angle (fecking ridiculous) I hope that porn will be in the vanguard of a social, as well as technological revolution..

More selfishly, I would, ultimately, like to make some money off this. I like sleeping in a bed and eating food, what can I say? But I want to make money in a way that I’m ethically happy with. I have compromised my principles in the past to make money. It’s a deeply unpleasant feeling. So to that end, you will never see advertising on this blog. Partly because fuck advertising, and also because porn adverts tend to be obnoxiously shite. So, local girls will never be waiting to cam with you here.

You can support this blog by buying my longer works in ebook form; or if you're feeling generous, gifting me one of the items on my Amazon Wishlist. I'm still figuring out donation buttons and the like, but I hope to have one of those too at some point.

To be honest though, feedback is more valuable than money. So if you read one of my stories and some aspect kills your erection— whether clitoral or penile— please let me know. If you give me concrit I will bless your name in my atheist heart forever.

I will leave the final word to Tom Lehrer:

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